
Friday, 25 January 2019

January 2019 Photo Hunt

If it's not too late, Happy New Year to everyone.   Once more Hawthorn has set us a challenge; click here to see her photos as well as the other people joining in.

So away we go!

1           Metallic

I like chickens....  so here is one of my many and varied chickens!
I used to keep chickens but gave up when we moved here, back in March 2015.

2  + 5    Plate and Modern

Two photos for the price of one!

May I present Damien (on the left) and Hirst (on the right).
If you look carefully you can see that the PLATE glass in the patio doors are covered in
muddy spots; their attempt at MODERN art.....
They are two of the grown up ducklings from last year who still visit for wheat and
tap on the window if we are in the kitchen.  The other day I noticed them there
but I did not have the time to feed them.  Over an hour later when I got back they
were still there so their patience was rewarded!

Hirst (on the left) and Damien (on the right).

Click here to see Damien Hirst pictures if you are not familiar with his spots!

3           Made

Seville Orange Marmalade made by my own hands (and still wonky wrist).
I am the proud owner of 16 pots of gold, too precious to gift; it took
4 batches to make and most of a week to make....
But the smell that was pervading through our house, was wonderful.
Roll on next January as this is the only time Seville oranges are available.

4           Aged

Remember the pear (DECAY) from a previous photo hunt?  Click here to re-visit my post.
Well I just left it on its plate and it dried out or should I say AGED beautifully.
It was all dry and the skin was hard.  It finally made it to the compost bin!

6           Own Choice

Back in January 2018 it was suggested I disguise the rear panels of a 
corner TV unit that is located between 2 arm chairs in the middle
of out upstairs lounge.  You can see the ugliness in the top photo.
Just over a year later I had finished this project.
The middle photos are the 3 individual panels I made and
the bottom photo shows them in situ.
As you can see I like chickens!

The chicken in the middle panel did not have feet; it was suggested that she needed feet so
I gave her some twinkly toes!  Whilst difficult to do, the end result was worth the effort!

Thanks for taking the time to view my photos.  Now I'm off to enjoy your photos and say, yet again, why didn't I think of that!