
Friday, 28 June 2019

June 2019 Photo Hunt

Well I did manage to find time to join in this month; once more another month has whizzed by.

Apologies for last month's incorrect link in the Link up thingy on Hawthorn's page!

Here goes!

1   Notice - seen earlier this year on a new walk Beloved discovered, not far from where we live.

This was intriguing.  No idea who she was but she does sound like a character!

2   Spotted - as in Spotted Flycatcher.

We used to see them at our old house (about 800 steps away) but I've yet to see one here.

I agree it is not very spotty but it was a very bright day when I took this photo.

3   Starts with K

Years ago (gosh over 20 years ago....) I used to knit almost continuously; my favourite yarn being mohair.  Luckily for me I did not have a problem knitting it or wearing it.  The only 'problem' was Beloved finding fibres in his food so I had to stop wearing mohair knits at home!  I've given most of these mohair knits away but I still have a few that I wear very occasionally!

I also went to a lot of trouble lining each one!

Very pleased I could find complementary buttons!

4  Cobweb

Rather than take a picture of one inside the house I opted to find one outside!  In January this year we woke up to find a slight frost has appeared overnight and all the cobwebs were easy to see.

There were so many.....

5   Step

Now my original thoughts for this word have not materialised (I had at least 3 planned) so I had to go to plan D.

Several years ago I bought myself a Fitbit One.  I still have it and love it.  It does help
me be more active.  Anyway, on 12 May 2017 when I was home alone and the 
weather was dry and sunny I decided to do lots of walks, radiating out from
our house.  I had planned to do 25,000 steps but I got carried away!
If I'd paid attention I could have walked 35,000 steps but never mind.

It was good fun but sadly my knee will not let me do this again!

6   Own choice

It looks like we will not be having any ducklings this year but instead we've had an adult male woodpecker feeding 2 juvenile ones.

What a joy it has been to watch them.  Note the newly exposed wood on the bird house!
One juvenile was trying out its pecking skills while dad brought it some food!

Click here to see a video clip I managed to take.

A few days ago we were about to go out when I spotted a juvenille woodpecker sitting in a
puddle at the front of the house.  Beloved picked it up (it did not struggle) and put it on a dry seat.
When we got home (at least 2 hours later) it was still there.  I suggested that he
pick it up and put it inside the bird house.  As he picked it up, it started to protest
most loudly.  When Beloved put it inside the bird house it flew off into the distance!
Hopefully it is still going strong.

Just another nature note to end on...  no chance to take a photo but I'd like to share it
with you.  On the edge of our decking I spotted a small rabbit (so cute) trying
to stand on its hind legs to reach the seed head of a grass stalk.  It had to 
really stretch and then suddenly it lost its balance and fell off the
decking...   I had to laugh but it hopped off and has since returned.

Well that's all for this month.  Next month's challenge will soon be upon us.  Thanks once more to Hawthorn for organising the words.  Click here to see who else is taking part.
