
Friday, 25 September 2020

September 2020 Photo Hunt

Gosh, I almost missed the deadline!  Somehow the time this month has flown by, again.  So here's my selection.  I apologise in advance for most of the words having more than one photo...

1   Seasonal

Pick blackberries and freeze until I have enough.

Mix vodka and sugar; when sugar dissolved add blackberries and 
leave for about 3 months in a cool, dark place.

Filter and enjoy!
Keep making more as well as raspberry gin!

2   Favourite seat/place to sit

On a local walk, there are some goats in a pen.  Love their seats
and so do they.

3   Comforting/cosy

I love crochet blankets; I have made quite a few and will continue to make them!

This will be my next one!  Yarn ordered and delivered so
I'll start when I finish my current blanket.

4   Delight/ed/ful

I like to watch Donna Jordan on YouTube; she makes quilts.  Last year I bought a pattern I'd seen her make and had a go at making it myself.  I needed to scale the block size down and last week I sent her a photo of it.  She sends out regular emails and at the end is usually a picture of a Customer Project.  Yes, you guessed it; my quilt was featured.  I felt so delighted (and still do).

This is the photo I sent her.  It is Cosmic Stars by Cosy Quilts.

5   Micro/mini/teeny/tiny

We have a young oak tree in our fields.  It was given to us by a friend who planted the acorn.  Last year I noticed it had a few acorns on it so this year I've kept an eye on it to see the acorns develop.

Just look at the tiny flowers.  Early May.

A month later and I had to try hard to convince myself these 
were developing acorns.

Now look at it!  Taken 2 weeks ago.  I'm glad I took the photo
that day as it has 'disappeared'!  I feel like I've been robbed.
I did find another 2 acorns and hope they will still be 
there when I next go there.  I plan to put a mesh bag
over them as I'd like to plant them myself!

6   Own choice

What a story!  I'll spare you the details and sorry saga over the last 4½ years. We own the bridge up to our (and our neighbour's) house.  On Boxing Day 2015 the bad weather caused the rushing water to partially wash away one of the bridge supports.  Cut to now and we (finally!) have a new bridge.

Our 'old' bridge.

Bridge removed!  You can see the gaping hole in the far bridge 
support.  We had a foot bridge to the far right of this photo to
enable us to get up to our house.  Our service pipes are in the middle.

Four new galvanised bridge support beams have arrived.

Next all the wood shuttering and mesh work.  This work
alone took 2 men working on it for 5 days.

Finally the cement has been poured and new tarmac laid.

Old railings painted and re-instated.

The railings look really smart.  This work was spread over 8 weeks
and 1 day caused by poor weather etc.  In reality the men only
worked on the bridge for 22 days.

Hard to believe it took so long to actually get it repaired but it
feels great to drive up to the house.  No longer a 200 step 
round trip to bring shopping etc up to the house.

So we can relax a bit now.  It has been a bit of a worry but in the end, the wait for the new bridge was worth it.

Off to look at your photos and to keep checking over the next few days.
