
Friday 22 May 2020

Five on Friday - Gratitude 22 May 2020

Well here I am joining in with Hawthorn and thinking about life and how grateful I am for so many things but here are the latest 5 that make me smile.

1   Drying washing outside - ah the smell of dried bedding etc, after being out in a sunny day.

2   Staying safe - we are able to do this easily.  Luckily we are both retired and have no work worries; so far we remain well and are able to keep away from everyone.  We can cope like this and what we miss are really only small inconveniences.  We will not be rushing to join the crowds on the beaches!

3   Digital camera - I'm on my 4th one now; I bought my first one as a bit of a whim and have never looked back.  I never understood aperture etc etc so to be able to zoom, point and click has been great!  Many photos are taken as soon as I see something and often have to be taken quickly as the subject does not pose for long!  As you can see from the following photo of a baby bunny in our garden recently.

4  My garden

Having to stay at home, together with lovely weather, has enabled me to spend lots of time in the garden.  We moved here 5 years and 2 months ago and this year is really the first time that I've been able to look at the garden I have created.  It's still work in progress but I have been grateful for the time and opportunity to look at it every day.  It makes me smile and I get a lot of pleasure from it.

Stumbling across the Dodecatheon in flower; I'd forgotten I had one!

5  Own space

We are lucky to have 2 lounges, one for Beloved and one for me.  I can highly recommend this!  When we viewed the house for the first time, it did not sink in how wonderful this arrangement would be.  Say no more!

Thanks to Hawthorn for hosting this once again.



  1. Excellent - each one perfect :) And as for the smell of freshly dried on the line bedding - absolutely delicious xxx

  2. I can relate to all your gratitudes & was also going to talk about my digital camera, then the wood burner arrived, so it got a mention instead. Being retired we also only find some little things inconvenient, but will soon have some restrictions lifted. We've been in this house for five years this month too & our garden is definitely a work in progress & probably always will be. Glad you joined in & Kate helps me keep motivated. Take care, stay safe & huggles.

    1. Stay motivated! What a coincidence that you too moved house about 5 years ago. My garden will evolve as my needs require! We are doing our best to stay safe, as must everyone.

  3. Love your choices, particularly the last one which made me laugh.

    1. A lot of people I know would like to have 2 lounges..... glad you had a laugh!
