
Friday 22 October 2021

Photo Hunt 22 October 2021 - Costume

Somehow I've lost a day this week....  so it was a bit of a rush to finish this off.  Just as well I'd made a start on it!

I've had to think outside the box for this one as we don't have children nor are we given to attending 'costume' parties!

My friend dances with the 400 Roses group
(tribal fusion belly dancers).
Their costumes are all 'home-made'.
The lady on the right with roses on her
waistcoat is something I embellished
for her.  I did not make the waistcoat!

I've never been to see them dance but you can see
them on YouTube and the like.
Click here to see them at Haworth.

My friend is in the centre with waistcoat number 2 
newly embellished by myself.

Such lovely colours but then red, black and white do appeal to me!

A close up of one of the waistcoats.  She gave me no
hints so I had to use my imagination - no
pressure then!

Beloved made me a wire tree and
I gave it a costume of burgundy

I even managed to crochet bobbles for the sharp ends.

The wire tree was inserted into a piece of wood but I needed
to stop it toppling over.  So I made crochet jackets for
stones!  I liked selecting colourful yarn for their costumes.

A close-up of one stone.

And another one.

A branch from an ash tree that is also wearing a costume
of various yarns.

An another ash branch, happily wearing its costume.

Beloved wearing costume prototype number 1.
Not effective so I modified them and
all is well now!

Now when he cuts the lawn there is minimal grass stuck 
to his legs!

Wearing my costume for working up at the fields;
nice wellies!  It's a huge molehill with a nest under it.

Finally, my beloved teddy wearing a jumper
I made when I had a knitting machine.
So it is his costume.

That's all from me this week; click here to return to Astrid's Link Up page.




  1. So glad you used the gorgeous rose costume dancers. I love to see them. The lawn cutting gear is a brilliant idea but Teddy's costume is best. I can see he is very special. 🐻 x

    1. Thanks Jak. Teddy is special. I think he must be about 65 years' old.... As a general rule, no-one is allowed to look at my Teddy. x

  2. I love the home made ‘gaiters’ … genius. The dancers costumes are stunning 😃

    1. Thanks. I did suggest making the gaiters my way but he wanted his way. When they did not work, he said he would try my way....... My 400 Roses lady is off to Holmfirth tomorrow but I'll not be going to see her. Too far and I'm still wary of crowds.

  3. Their dance costumes are so beautiful and the colours go well together. The waistcoat you made is perfect.
    Your wire tree and accessories look great, I love the crocheted rocks!
    The yard work attire you're both wearing seems very effective, especially on your beloved.
    Awe, your Teddy looks very well loved and his jumper looks good on him!

  4. Teddy has been loved to bits over the early years but now he sits on a shelf and tries not to fall to pieces.
