
Friday 26 April 2019

April 2019 Photo Hunt

Once again please ignore the above photo!  I'm trying to get the link up tool to use the above photo....

I think this month has sped by...

Once again thanks to Hawthorn for organising us all.  Click here to see her photos.

1   Edge

The top edge of a pottery item made by my sister-in-law.

I thought you might like to see this item in its full glory.
It's about 27 cm tall and about 26 cm wide.

2   Loaf

I used to enter baked cakes etc and craft items into our local Agricultural Show.
Sometimes I won a prize!

3   Bridge

The sad saga of our bridge - still waiting for it to be repaired; a very long story!

1   The view from our house down to our bridge.
2  Looking over our neighbour's wall at the raging torrent of water.
3   Beloved and our neighbour propped it up as best they could.
4   More water later 2 of the 4 wooden props have gone.

The damage was done on Boxing Day in 2015.....  we were promised it would be 
repaired last year but.....   huge sigh from me!

4   Mine

Up at our fields we had a 16 ton load of cement mixings delivered.
Someone has tried to make it into a mine; no idea what treasure they found.

5   Black

A few years ago at our fields we were building an access road; a motorway near us was
being re-surfaced so Beloved was able to buy tons and tons of these plannings....
Lovely and black!

Here is the lorry with yet another load!

6   Own choice

I often buy craft kits and then re-discover them years later.  But this is a first for me!  In February this year I attended a quilt show at Harrogate and walked past a stall with a craft bag on display.  The reason it caught my eye was the fabric it was made from - chickens!  I used to keep chickens and have a soft spot for them.  Over the years I've build up a stash of chicken/bird themed fabrics so I had to buy the pattern and shortly afterwards I made the bag!  I have made a very simple bag before but nothing like this one.

Some of my chicken/bird fabrics selected from my stash!

Completed bag.  I am very pleased with it and it already has some
yarn in it, ready for a new project, when I have the time!

Thanks for taking the time to look and leave comments!  I'm sure May's photo hunt date will be upon us very quickly1


  1. Thank you for joining in, I know you have a lot on your plate at the moment. The chicken bag/fabric is so very you xxxx

    1. At least my random buying of chicken-themed fabrics over the years was useful in the end! My plate is still very full........

  2. I love the pottery piece made by your sister in law ... it's beautiful.

    1. Yes, I am lucky to own it. She volunteered to make me one when she showed me the pot she'd made for herself. I could not refuse such a generous offer.

  3. Great photos, I love your pretty bags. I hope your bridge is repaired soon it sounds as if you have been waiting a long time:)

    1. One day the bridge will be sorted..... Meanwhile I'll keep crafting!

  4. Love the chicken-themed fabric and the bag you made :) If you like chickens you should have been where I camped over Easter, they have somewhere in the region of 24,000 (free range) chickens - that's an awful lot of eggs!

    1. How many chickens??? Glad I don't have to be the one who cleans them out and collects the eggs! Glad you liked the bag; it was fun to make.

  5. Lovely selection as ever. That bridge.....the saga is never ending. Your chicken bag is lovely. I always admire your patience and attention to detail. xx

    1. Looks like my chicken bag is this month's favourite! I'll bring it when I next come to KnK.

  6. Great selection M, but do hope the bridge is fixed soon. Love your take on black & now I know you collect chicken fabric, I'll pop a piece aside I was going to take to an Op shop. BTW, the bag is gorgeous. Have a good weekend & take care.

    1. Sadly the bridge will be done when it's done. A very long story... At least I can craft every day!

  7. Lovely pottery, very talented lady. Poor bridge :-(
    It's always nice to win at the local show isn't it. I've won a few things at ours.
    Fabulous bag for the knitting wool, well done on a great project.

    1. Thanks Julie. It was fun entering local shows but it became so time-consuming that I stopped doing this. But it was good to see prize tickets next to my exhibits!

  8. I hope you do manage to mend your bridge. It's lovely that you won a prize for your loaf. :)

  9. Oh, your poor bridge and poor you. One day it will be repaired, one day...

  10. Well done for completing the bag, they are always much harder to make than it looks.

    So sorry your bridge is still awaiting repairs. December 2015 - Storm Desmond I guess? Some footpaths here are still not repaired from then - I am not sure they ever will be now.

    1. Yes, there is still damage to some footpaths near here. I suppose one day they might be repaired!

  11. Very original interpretations of the list of words! And the chicken bag is gorgeous!

    1. Thank you! I do try to think outside the box...

    2. Thank you! I do try to think outside the box...

  12. The pottery piece is so original, it looks great.
    I'm so sorry about the bridge, I can't believe they haven't fixed it yet. Can you still walk on it?
    Your bags look great, what fun!

    1. We still drive over the bridge as does our neighbour.. We will carry on regardless! Glad you like my bag.
